
Grant Writing

You have better things to do than learn all the rules, regulations, guidelines, and procedures for a grant program you’ll only submit to once. Our staff has decades of combined experience writing hundreds of grants that have won millions of dollars for people just like you. Hire EIM to write your grant and our staff of Certified Energy Managers, Doctorate-level writers, and just plain hardworking people will go to work for you.

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Many of the grants and subsidies we work on require a detailed knowledge about the current activities and energy usage at your facility. Our staff includes NRCS Technical Service Providers (TSPs) and Certified Energy Managers (CEMs) to help you find funds for establishing a plan on how to reduce operating costs.

We are certified in over 35 states to provide on-farm energy audits through USDA and other programs. Our grant writing team can work closely with you to focus on increasing your bottom line. Winning a grant is just the first part of your savings. The real benefit comes over the next 20 years as you pay less on your utility bills because of the new equipment.

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The easiest way to get started is to contact us.