Thanksgiving Day



Energy Improvement Matters wants to wish all of you a very happy Thanksgiving Day. ­As we prepare for our family members, thawing the turkey and mashing potatoes, we will remember to give thanks. We give thanks to those who have grown our produce and kept our turkeys in a healthy state. We thank all the farmers who have worked so hard on making our dinners possible. If you yourself are a farmer, Energy Improvement Matters wants to personally thank you. You do incredible work creating our fresh produce and healthy poultry!

We love partnering with farmers to help them obtain grant funding for energy efficient and energy generating equipment, so we want to let you know that our next office deadline for REAP is coming up on February 28, 2019. If you would like more information, feel free to contact us at 317-228-0134. We hope to hear from you and we hope you all have a wonderful time on this holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving!



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